Ray Bradbury Net Worth

May 2024 · 19 minute read

Ray Douglas Bradbury net worth is
$30 Million

Ray Douglas Bradbury Wiki Biography

Ray Bradbury was born on the 22nd August 1920, in Waukegan, Illinois USA, of Swedish descent through his mother, and English through his father. He was a novelist, writer of short stories and essays, playwright, screenwriter and poet, and was active in the industry from 1938 to 2012. Ray passed away in 2012.

How much was the net worth of Ray Bradbury? It had been reported by authoritative sources that the overall size of his wealth was equal to $30 million, converted to the present day. Writing was the major source of Bradbury’s fortune.

Ray Bradbury Net Worth $30 Million

To begin with, the boy grew up in the time of Great Depression. After the family finally settled in Los Angeles, Bradbury attended Los Angeles High School, and subsequently graduated from UCLA in 1938, after which for a while sold newspapers for living.

From an early age, Ray had always been an avid reader, writer, and cartoonist for his own amusement. He was first published in the late ‘30s – his eyesight was so poor he was rejected for military servicm so wrote instead, notably for “Fanzines” and “Script” during the ‘40s. His reputation as a writer was established with the publication of “The Martian Chronicles” (1950), then “Fahrenheit 451” (1953) was released, which many considered Bradbury’s masterpiece. Other works of the writer include “The October Country” (1955), “Something Wicked This Way Comes” (1962), “I Sing the Body Electric!” (1969), among many others. Bradbury’s works are usually short stories, and their centre is not action, but dialogue, monologue, reflection. The writer combines fantasy with detection and melodrama. His works do not have comprehensive descriptions of technological details, but much attention is paid to the place of action, the appearance of heroes, names, dates and figures. Thoughts are thoroughly built, but they are not the main part of his works. Bradbury’s emotions, atmosphere, and feeling are more important than action. In his works, Bradbury laughs from people without imagination. Evil and violence in his work are unrealistic, and it’s best to ignore them without paying attention to them. According to Bradbury himself, he wrote over 400 stories throughout his life. Some of them later became larger works, others belong to specific cycles. His short stories appeared in over a thousand of anthologies of recommended reading in schools.

Ray Bradbury’s work has been inducted into collections of four Best American Short Story. He was rewarded among others with the O. Henry Memorial Award, the World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement, the Grand Master Award from the Science Fiction Writers of America, Award PEN centre USA West Lifetime Achievement. The stand-out was his Pulitzer Prize in 2007.

Bradbury never confined his vision to pure literature. For his animated film “Icarus Montgolfier Wright” he was nominated for an Academy Award, and won an Emmy Award for his screenplay for television “The Halloween Tree”. He adapted 65 of his stories for Ray Bradbury Theatre of television.

Additionally, Bradbury was the creative consultant on the US Pavilion at the New York World’s Fair of 1964. In 1982, he created the interior metaphors sample Spaceship Earth at Epcot Centre, Disney World and later contributed to the conception of spatial route in Disneyland Paris, France.

The Ray Bradbury Award is presented by the group of sci-fi writers Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America to highlight the excellence of a dramatic work presented in cinema, television, internet, radio or at the theatre.

Finally, in the personal life of Ray Bradbury, he was married to Maggie Bradbury from 1947, and they lived in Los Angeles until Maggie died in 2003; they had four daughters. Ray died on the 5th June 2012 in Los Angeles, California – at his request, his tombstone at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery bears the epitaph: Author of Fahrenheit 451.

Full NameRay Bradbury
Net Worth$30 Million
Date Of BirthAugust 22, 1920, Waukegan, Illinois, United States
DiedJune 5, 2012, Los Angeles, California, United States
ProfessionWriter, Producer, Actor
EducationLos Angeles High School, UCLA
SpouseMaggie Bradbury (m. 1947-2003, her death)
ChildrenBettina F. Bradbury, Alexandra Bradbury, Ramona Bradbury, Susan Bradbury
ParentsEsther (née Moberg) Bradbury, Leonard Spaulding Bradbury
AwardsWorld Fantasy Award—Life Achievement, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films - George Pal Memorial Award, Saturn Award, Bram Stoker Awards - Lifetime Achievement Award (1989), CableACE Awards, Daytime Emmy Awards, Valentine Davies Award (Writers Guild of America, 1974)
NominationsHugo Awards, Star on the Walk of Fame (2002), Honour - Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award (1974), Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (1984)
MoviesFahrenheit 451 (1966), Moby Dick (1956), It Came from Outer Space (1953), The Electric Grandmother (1982), The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1998), A Sound of Thunder (2005), How to Live Forever (2011)
TV ShowsThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985-1992), Burns and Allen show
1Uses science fiction to explore existential and political ideals and the darker side of humanity
2Themes of nostalgia
1People say to me, "What is Hollywood's responsibility?". The responsibility of Hollywood is to prove that we are human. Not with happy endings, but with moments we take away and remember.
2If you were to ask me what I think of Hollywood today, it's more of the same, except worse. I grew up in Hollywood, I roller skated around here, and got autographs and photographs when I was 14 years old, so I know the community very well. But things have gotten worse, because we're making more money today out of doing lousy films. A good example is The Mummy, it came out when I was 12 years old, I loved the film with Boris Karloff, a very minor film with a minor amount of money, probably cost $100,000 or less. But it's a beautiful film, with a nice script. They made a new version here at Universal 5 years ago, it was a terrible film. They thought "If one mummy's scares you, 2 dozen mummies, a chorus line of mummies has got to be very scary." So the film came out, dreadful film, and it made $500 million. So they were encouraged into believing that doing lousy films is profitable; but even worse than the old days. So they did another film called The Mummy Returns, and it was even worse than the first one, and it made a billion dollars, so they were encouraged in going ahead to making lousy films instead of quality films. So things haven't changed, they've just gotten bigger, and lousier.
3After 9/11, Hollywood promised they were going to make more family films, less violence, and things of that sort, well it's never happened. Films have gotten more violent. The Bond films are unwatchable now; I was around 45 years ago when the Bond films began. They were nice quiet little films, every 5 minutes a little bit of action perhaps. But now there's an explosion every 5 minutes and they set off 10 billion gallons of gasoline, and there are more macho selves being made today, in which people settle things with guns, and with machine guns. So things have not improved. They've gotten worse.
4Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.
5I don't try to describe the future. I try to prevent it.
6I don't believe in being serious about anything. I think life is too serious to be taken seriously.
7I have fun with ideas. I play with them. I'm not a serious person and I don't like serious people. I don't see myself as a philosopher. That's awfully boring.
8[on Lon Chaney] He was someone who acted out our psyches. He got into the shadows inside our bodies. The history of Lon Chaney is the history of unrequited love.
9[on Ray Harryhausen] Long after we are all gone, his shadow shows will live through a thousand years in this world.
10I don't need to be vindicated, and I don't want attention. I never question. I never ask anyone else's opinion. They don't count.
11I'm the most cinematic writer around -- all of my short stories can be shot right off the page.
12Once you hear a metaphor of mine, you won't forget it. A dinosaur falling in love with a lighthouse, boom, there's your metaphor. Once you hear that, you say, "Gee, I gotta read that, I wonder what happened?" All the great stories of the world are metaphorical, so they can be remembered. That's why so much stage writing and film writing today can't be remembered, because there are no metaphors. You can't tell the story when you come out of the theater. That's what's wrong with most modern fiction. Realism is what we already know. My job is to interpret realism, to turn it into metaphors, so you can swallow it.
13There are two races of people - men and women - no matter what what women's libbers would have you pretend. Men are born with no purpose in the universe except to procreate. There is lots of time to kill beyond that.
14Sense of humor is everything. You can do anything in this world if you have a sense of humor. Many directors, producers, people haven't learned that -- that if you just salt people down a little and put a bit of butter on them and make them happy, then we can all work together.
15I am one of those fortunate people who were born to be joyful writers discovered the fact early on.
16[on writing "Fahrenheit 451"] I wasn't trying to predict the future. I was trying to prevent it.
17Touch a scientist and you touch a child.
18The best scientist is open to experience and begins with romance - the idea that anything is possible.
1Ray Bradbury passed away on June 5, 2012, two months away from what would have been his 92nd birthday on August 22.
2In the 1920s, his mother took him with her when she went to see silent films. He first saw Lon Chaney's The Phantom of the Opera (1925) when he was only three years old, and it had a lifelong impact on him.
3After finishing high school, he didn't have the money to go to college so instead went down to his local library to read three nights a week. In 10 years' time, he read all the books in the library and considered that to be his higher education instead.
4Didn't eat a regular meal with his family until he was 6 years old. His father got tired of him drinking a baby bottle every day and smashed it in the sink.
5When he was a baby, his mother tied him to an apple tree so she could keep an eye on him while she hung up the laundry.
6The inspiration for his short story "The Pedestrian" came after he and a friend were out walking one night, and a policemen stopped them and questioned them because he deemed their behavior suspicious. The policemen let them go with a warning not to do it again.
7Following his death, he was interred at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, California.
8Had a nod in Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) with the ship named the USS Bradbury.
9He was awarded Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters by French culture minister Frederic Mitterrand in 2007.
10He was awarded a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6644 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California on April 1, 2002.
11He once visited the set of Star Trek (1966) as a potential writer for the series. Crew members remembered him as being being very polite and courteous, thinking he was already making himself at home. It later turned out that he never had any intention to join the writing team, but wanted to come anyway. He remained friends with series creator Gene Roddenberry until Gene's death.
12Ray Bradbury was well-known and much-beloved in science fiction and fantasy circles for writing stories of nostalgia, much like Jack Finney and, to a lesser extent, Alfred Bester.
13Lifelong friends of Ray Harryhausen and Forrest J. Ackerman, ever since they were teenagers and members of the same Los Angeles Science Fiction Club.
14In 1950, he discovered that comic book publisher William M. Gaines (later famous for producing Mad magazine) had published several of his stories without his permission. Bradbury wrote Gaines a letter praising the artwork and treatment of his story, and politely asked for his royalty payment. He got it.
15As a young man, he once sold newspapers on a Los Angeles street corner.
16Despite the anti-censorship message of "Farenheit 451", Bradbury has continually had to fight his publisher's censors who want to tamper or alter the language and tone of the book. He says that the irony is obviously lost on them.
17Had never enjoyed driving, and had always used either public transportation, or a bicycle.
18When his wife started having children, he stated, "It literally scared the hell out of me.".
19Paid tribute to in the music video "F**k Me, Ray Bradbury" by Rachel Bloom. Although he did not publicly comment on it, he was confirmed to have seen the video, and he met with Bloom.
20A hero of his was the Italian director Federico Fellini. When they first met, as Bradbury claims, Fellini ran up to Bradbury, embraced him, and said "My twin! My twin!". They became great friends but never collaborated on any projects. Bradbury claimed that his lifelong love of Halloween was soured after Fellini died on October 31, 1993.
21In Chaplin's Goliath (1996), a documentary about silent film star Eric Campbell, the Rosedale Cemetary spokeswoman mistakenly claims Ray Bradbury is interred there.
22He and famed animator Chuck Jones were close friends for more than 50 years.
23Inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 1999.
24As a young boy, a friend once ridiculed his collection of science fiction and comic books, and heckled him into throwing them away. A day later, Bradbury was heartbroken, feeling that he had trashed his best friends. He immediately rebuilt his collection.
25As a bedtime story for each of his daughters, he read (in nightly installments) "Hound of the Baskervilles" by Arthur Conan Doyle.
26He voiced his displeasure at documentary filmmaker Michael Moore for appropriating the title of his book "Fahrenheit 451" for the documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004). However, Bradbury himself is the author of "Beyond 1984" (title appropriated from George Orwell's "1984") and "Another Tale of Two Cities" (title appropriated from Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities"). While book and story titles cannot be copyrighted, both Orwell and Dickens were long dead when Bradbury borrowed their titles, Bradbury was alive when Michael Moore did so and Moore never bothered to ask Bradbury's permission.
27Had a series of short stories which his publisher said would never sell, so he linked the stories together, while living at a local YMCA, and created the novel "The Martian Chronicles". He was paid just $500 for the story.
28He was the great-great-great grandson of Mary Bradbury, a woman who was tried in the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, but saved herself from being hanged for witchcraft.
29His original title for one of his novels was "The Fireman". He called his local fire department and asked them what the temperature at which paper burns at - and was told "451 Fahrenheit". He reversed it to make it the title of his novel "Fahrenheit 451".
30There is a noted irony in the names of two characters in his novel "Fahrenheit 451": "Montag" is also the name of a paper mill and "Faber" is a manufacturer of pencils. Ray Bradbury insists that this was unintentional.
31Recipient of a 2004 National Medal of Arts, awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts (USA).
32National Public Radio's "Bradbury 13" (1984) was a 13-episode program based on many of his stories.
33Though considered by many to be the greatest science-fiction writer of the of the 20th century, he suffers from a fear of flying and driving. He has never learned to drive, and did not fly in an airplane until October 1982.
34He wrote the original manuscript of "Fahrenheit 451" on a rented typewriter in a public library, from handwritten notes and outlines. It first appeared in print in a shortened form (of about 25,000 words) in Galaxy magazine and later in its present length but in serial format in the just starting out Playboy magazine.
35Son of Leonard Spaulding Bradbury, linesman with the Waukegan Bureau of Power and Light, and of Esther Marie Moberg.
36Father of four daughters: Susan, Ramona, Bettina and Alexandra.

All pictures


Studio 571956TV Series original story - 1 episode
Star Tonight1955TV Series story - 1 episode
On Camera1955TV Series writer - 1 episode
WindowsTV Series story - 1 episode, 1955 short story - 1 episode, 1955
Fireside Theatre1954TV Series story - 1 episode
The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms1953story "The Fog Horn"
It Came from Outer Space1953story
Tales of Tomorrow1953TV Series story - 1 episode
CBS Television Workshop1952TV Series story - 1 episode
The Rocket1952TV Movie story
Suspense1952TV Series story - 1 episode
Out There1951TV Series story - 1 episode
Lights Out1951TV Series story - 1 episode
Jack in the Box2013/IShort story completed
All Summer in a Day2014Short story
The Whole Town's Sleeping2014Short
Ray Bradbury's Kaleidoscope2012Short short story
Before the Night Is Gone2012Short novel
The Jar2011Short inspired by
A Very Careful Man2010Short short story
The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl2010Short short story
Chrysalis2008short story
The Pedestrian2008Short story
The Small Assassin2007Short story
A Piece of Wood2005Short story
A Sound of Thunder2005short story
El que espera2004Short story
Un, dos, tres... responda otra vez2004TV Series characters - 6 episodes
El umbral2003Short story
The Pedestrian2001Short short story
Con palos y piedras2000Short
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit1998play / short story / teleplay
Vino iz oduvanchikov1997books
It Came from Outer Space II1996TV Movie story
The Smile1996Short original story
Ray Bradbury's the Martian Chronicles Adventure Game1995Video Game based on novel by
The Halloween Tree1993TV Movie book / written by
Chelovek v vozdukhe1993Short story "The Flying Machine"
The Ray Bradbury TheaterTV Series screenplay - 59 episodes, 1985 - 1992 story - 59 episodes, 1985 - 1992 short story - 1 episode, 1992 writer - 1 episode, 1992
Zdes mogut voditsya tigry1989Short original story
Trinadtsatyy apostol1988novel "The Martian Cronicles"
Walking on Air1987TV Movie story
Alfred Hitchcock Presents1986TV Series short story - 1 episode
The Twilight ZoneTV Series written by - 1 episode, 1986 based on the short story by - 1 episode, 1985
Clarinda y el tiempo en una botella1985Short story
Elektronnaya babushka1985
Habia una vez1985Short story
Budet laskovyy dozhd1984Short story
Quest1984Short story "Frost and Fire"
Savannen1983TV Movie
Something Wicked This Way Comes1983novel / screenplay
All Summer in a Day1982TV Short based on the short story by
Spaceship Earth1982Short consultant writer
Il fascino dell'insolitoTV Series short story "Punishment Without Crime" - 1 episode, 1982 short story "The Small Assassin" - 1 episode, 1980
CBS Library1982TV Series story "The Invisible Boy" - 1 episode
American Playhouse1982TV Series based on the story by - 1 episode
The Electric Grandmother1982TV Movie story "I Sing The Body Electric" / teleplay by
The Martian Chronicles1980TV Mini-Series novel - 3 episodes
Ararman Uterord Ory1980Short short story
Racconti di fantascienzaTV Series short story "The Murderer" - 1 episode, 1979 short story "Changeling" - 1 episode, 1979 short story "Chrysalis" - 1 episode, 1979
Late Night Story1978TV Series short written by - 1 episode
The Murderer1976Short story
The Screaming Woman1972TV Movie short story
Something Wicked This Way Comes1972story
Curiosity Shop1971TV Series writer - 1 episode
Melodrama infernal1969Short stories
The Illustrated Man1969book
The Picasso Summer1969screenplay - as Douglas Spaulding / story
Ich auf Bestellung1968TV Short short story
Fahrenheit 4511966novel
Historias para no dormirTV Series story - 3 episodes, 1966 short story - 1 episode, 1966 short story "The Rocket" - 1 episode, 1966 story "Marionettes, Inc." - 1 episode, 1966
El marciano1965Short story
Out of the Unknown1965TV Series short story - 1 episode
The Alfred Hitchcock HourTV Series story and teleplay - 1 episode, 1964 short story - 1 episode, 1964
Mañana puede ser verdad1964TV Series 2 episodes
Armchair Theatre1963TV Series story "The Dwarf" - 1 episode
ITV Television Playhouse1963TV Series short story - 1 episode
Icarus Montgolfier Wright1962Short original story / screenplay
The Twilight Zone1962TV Series written by - 1 episode
Alcoa Premiere1962TV Series writer - 1 episode
Alfred Hitchcock PresentsTV Series story - 2 episodes, 1956 - 1958 teleplay - 1 episode, 1962 written by - 1 episode, 1959 story and teleplay - 1 episode, 1956
Mañana puede ser verdad1962TV Series story - 2 episodes
King of Kings1961narration - uncredited
Troubleshooters1959TV Series writer - 1 episode
Steve Canyon1958TV Series writer - 1 episode
Rendezvous1958TV Series writer - 1 episode
Playhouse 901957TV Series story - 1 episode
Jane Wyman Presents The Fireside Theatre1956TV Series writer - 1 episode
Sneak Preview1956TV Series story - 1 episode
The Unexplained1956TV Movie based on a story by
Moby Dick1956screenplay


The Ray Bradbury Theater1985-1992TV Series executive producer - 64 episodes


The Halloween Tree1993TV MovieNarrator (voice)
American Playhouse1982TV SeriesRalph as Man
Rich and Famous1981Literary Party Guest


Universal Horror1998TV Movie documentary source: stills
Mirrors1978creative consultant

Art Department

Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland1989concept artist


The Disappointment of Jonathan Bender2012Short dedicatee
4512012Short very special thanks
All Things Shining2012inspirational thanks
Edición Especial Coleccionista2012TV Series in memory of - 1 episode
Ray Bradbury's Kaleidoscope2012Short very special thanks
Before the Night Is Gone2012Short in memory of
Tin Can2010/Ispecial thanks
Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II2007TV Series special thanks - 1 episode
The Sci-Fi Boys2006Documentary special thanks
La tigre e la neve2005thanks
Southside2003special thanks
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth2001TV Movie documentary grateful acknowledgment
Hooray for Horrorwood1991Video documentary special thanks
Story Of...1962TV Series documentary grateful acknowledgment - 1 episode


How Shakespeare Changed My Life2016Video shortHimself
Live Forever: The Ray Bradbury Odyssey2013DocumentaryHimself (voice)
The AckerMonster Chronicles!2012DocumentaryHimself
Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan2011DocumentaryHimself - Author of The Martian Chronicles & Fahrenheit 451
Comic-Con 2010 Live2010TV Movie documentaryHimself
When the World Breaks2010DocumentaryHimself
Pulp Fiction: The Golden Age of Storytelling2009Video documentaryHimself - Novelist
How to Live Forever2009DocumentaryHimself
Malls R Us2009DocumentaryHimself
Comic-Con '09 Live2009TV MovieHimself
A Conversation with Ray Bradbury2008Documentary shortHimself
Comic-Con '08 Live2008TV MovieHimself
American Masters2008TV Series documentaryHimself - Interviewee
Who Is Norman Lloyd?2007DocumentaryHimself
Comic-Con 2007 Live2007TV MovieHimself
The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians Through Film2007DocumentaryHimself - Interviewee
Famous Monster: Forrest J Ackerman2007DocumentaryHimself
Comic-Con 2006 Live2006TV MovieHimself
The Sci-Fi Boys2006DocumentaryHimself
I'm King Kong!: The Exploits of Merian C. Cooper2005DocumentaryHimself - Interviewee
Ray Harryhausen: The Early Years Collection2005Video documentary
Hollywood Legenden2004TV Movie documentaryHimself
Dennis Miller2004TV SeriesHimself
Hardball with Chris Matthews2004TV SeriesHimself
The Optimistic Futurist2004Video documentary shortHimself
Fahrenheit 451, the Novel: A Discussion with Author Ray Bradbury2003Video documentary shortHimself
The Making of 'Fahrenheit 451'2003Video documentary shortHimself - Author
The Music of 'Fahrenheit 451'2003Video documentary shortHimself - Author
An Unfathomable Friendship2003Video documentary shortHimself
Cosmic Thoughts2003Video short documentaryHimself
The Screen Savers2003TV SeriesHimself
The Tramp and the Dictator2002DocumentaryHimself (uncredited)
Besuch bei Ray Bradbury2001TV Movie documentaryHimself
Great Books2001TV Series documentaryHimself
Walt: The Man Behind the Myth2001TV Movie documentaryHimself
Lon Chaney: A Thousand Faces2000TV Movie documentaryHimself
The Fly Papers: The Buzz on Hollywood's Scariest Insect2000TV Movie documentaryHimself, author
In Search of Tarzan with Jonathan Ross1998TV Movie documentaryHimself
Universal Horror1998TV Movie documentaryHimself / Interview
The Harryhausen Chronicles1998TV Movie documentaryHimself
Hugh Hefner: American Playboy Revisited1998TV Movie documentaryHimself
100 Years of Horror: The Evil Unseeable1996Video documentaryHimself
A Century of Science Fiction1996Video documentaryHimself
Corwin1996TV MovieHimself
100 Years of Horror1996TV Series documentaryRay Bradbury ... Himself - Author & Screenwriter / Himself - Writer / Himself - Writer, 'It Came from Outer Space'
Late Night with Conan O'Brien1995TV SeriesHimself
In Search of Oz1994TV Movie documentaryHimself
The Famous Monsters 1993 World Convention Souvenir Video1993Video documentary
The Ray Bradbury Theater1985-1992TV SeriesHimself - Introduction / Himself
The 64th Annual Academy Awards1992TV SpecialHimself - Presenter: Gordon E. Sawyer Award to Ray Harryhausen
The 13th Annual CableACE Awards1992TV SpecialHimself
Hooray for Horrorwood1991Video documentaryHimself
Amazing Worlds of Science Fiction and Fantasy1991VideoHimself
Today1989TV SeriesHimself
The 10th Annual National CableACE Awards1989TV SpecialHimself
Aliens, Dragons, Monsters and Me1986DocumentaryHimself
The Fantasy Film Worlds of George Pal1985DocumentaryHimself
The Whimsical World of Oz1985TV Movie documentaryHimself
Time Travel: Fact, Fiction and Fantasy1985TV Movie documentaryHimself
Omnibus1980TV Series documentaryHimself
Good Morning America1979TV SeriesHimself
The American Comic Strip1978TV Movie documentaryHimself
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson1978TV SeriesHimself - Guest
Science Fiction Film Awards1978TV Movie documentaryHimself - Presenter
Day at Night1974TV SeriesHimself - Guest
Telescope1968TV Series documentaryHimself
That Regis Philbin Show1964TV SeriesHimself
Story Of...1962TV Series documentaryHimself
You Bet Your Life1956TV SeriesHimself - Science Fiction Writer

Archive Footage

Won Awards

2012Legend AwardNew Media Film FestivalNew Media Film Festival
2008Lifetime Achievement AwardOjai Film Festival
2002Star on the Walk of FameWalk of FameMotion PictureOn 1 April 2002. At 6644 Hollywood Blvd.
1999George Pal Memorial AwardAcademy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA
1994Daytime EmmyDaytime Emmy AwardsOutstanding Writing in an Animated ProgramThe Halloween Tree (1993)
1993CableACECableACE AwardsDramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1989Lifetime Achievement AwardBram Stoker Awards
1985ACECableACE AwardsWriting a Dramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1984Saturn AwardAcademy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USABest WritingSomething Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
1982Peabody AwardPeabody AwardsThe Electric Grandmother (1982)
1974Valentine Davies AwardWriters Guild of America, USA

Nominated Awards

1994CableACECableACE AwardsWriting a Dramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1993CableACECableACE AwardsWriting a Dramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1989ACECableACE AwardsDramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1987ACECableACE AwardsDramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1987ACECableACE AwardsWriting a Dramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1985ACECableACE AwardsDramatic SeriesThe Ray Bradbury Theater (1985)
1984HugoHugo AwardsBest Dramatic PresentationSomething Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
1981HugoHugo AwardsBest Dramatic PresentationThe Martian Chronicles (1980)
1970HugoHugo AwardsBest Dramatic PresentationThe Illustrated Man (1969)
1967HugoHugo AwardsBest Dramatic PresentationFahrenheit 451 (1966)
1954HugoHugo AwardsBest Dramatic PresentationIt Came from Outer Space (1953)
1954HugoHugo AwardsBest Dramatic PresentationThe Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953)

2nd Place Awards

1956NYFCC AwardNew York Film Critics Circle AwardsBest ScreenplayMoby Dick (1956)

Known for movies
