U See Thru the Bullst: Black Ink Crew Star Sky Days Is Slammed by Eldest Son for Her

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Black Ink Crew” reality star Sky Days is currently on bad terms with her youngest son and her eldest son Genesis had a few words to say about the matter.

In the Feb. 26 episode, Days got into a heated argument and physical altercation with her 19-year-old son Dessalines. She even spewed some extremely hurtful words toward the teen, saying things like she should have “swallowed” him and that she and his father never wanted him.

Following the explosive episode, fans flooded the social pages of Genesis, Day’s eldest son. One Instagram follower commented on one of Genesis’ posts, saying that it was understandable why he no longer wanted a relationship with his mother.

The 20-year-old Genesis seemingly agreed with the person and responded, “💯 when u expekt the worst and hope 4 the best u see thru the bulls–t.”

Days gave up her two sons Genesis and Dessalines for adoption when she was around 14 or 15 years old. She later reconciled with her two boys around season four of the show and tried to form a relationship with them. She and Genesis clashed from the beginning, but she kept in contact with Des.

Her relationship with her baby boy went sour last season after she accused him of stealing from her. She claimed he stole money from her and items from her home, which Des denied doing. The teenager, however, tried to make things right with his mother this season, but it all went to shambles after she verbally and physically attacked him.

Days addressed their heated exchange, but social media users aren’t letting her off the hook.

“How do you live with yourself? 👎👎 you shouldn’t have got back in his life just to break him? what kind of mo— you don’t even deserve to be called that. Cancelled!” a fan wrote at the time.

A second added, “So cuz he was stealing u telling him he shouldve been aborted 🤔 wtf? U deadbeat ass mother go to hell!”

A third commented, “That episode was so disappointing. Whatever comes next I’m sure you’ll deserve it.”
