RX Spectral Editor - RX 9 Help

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Table of Contents


The Spectral Editor plug-in combines ARA technology with the award-winning DSP and selection-based editing workflows of the RX Audio Editor. It allows you to identify and reduce undesirable sounds in your tracks without leaving your DAW.

Getting Started with Spectral Editor in Logic Pro

Spectral Editor is only available in Logic Pro as an ARA 2.0 plug-in. You can add RX Spectral Editor (ARA) to your project using the following steps:

  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Logic Pro. The RX Spectral Editor ARA plug-in is supported in Logic Pro 10.5.1 or higher. We recommend that you update Logic Pro to the latest available version to ensure the best experience using RX Spectral Editor (ARA).
  • Add RX Spectral Editor (ARA) as the first insert on an Audio track.
    Getting Started Screen
  • Select a clip in Logic and start playback. The selected audio will appear in the spectrogram view of the Spectral Editor (ARA) plug-in after starting playback.
  • Make a selection in the spectrogram view of RX Spectral Editor. Plug-in Interface
  • Process your selection using one of the following methods:
    • When the Advanced Controls Panel is collapsed: click the Attenuate or Replace button to apply the associated processing to your selection.
    • When the Advanced Controls Panel is expanded: click the Process button to process the selection using the currently selected Mode.
  • Processing selections longer than 10 seconds

    Attenuate: Horizontal, Attenuate: 2D, and Replace mode do not support processing selections longer than 10 seconds. If your selection is longer than 10 seconds, the processing will automatically default to Attenuate: Vertical.

  • To work on another clip in your session, select it and start playback. Once playback has started, you will see your new clip load in the spectrogram. Trimmed clips appear the same way in the spectrogram as they do in Logic.
  • Playback is required to reflect changes in spectrogram

    ARA plug-ins are updated when playback is started. If you trim or otherwise change a clip that was already loaded in Spectral Editor, the spectrogram will not be updated until you’ve stopped and restarted playback with the clip selected.


    If you find that RX Spectral Editor (ARA) is missing from the plug-in selection menu, try the following:


    Once your clip is loaded in the spectrogram view of the Spectral Editor, you’ll have access to the following controls:


  • Selection Tools: Determines the selection tool type used when making selections in the spectrogram.
    See the Interactive Tools chapter for more information about selection tools and modifiers.
  • Undo/Redo: Reverts/re-applies one processing step in your history.
  • Editing Copies of Clips

    The Undo function in Spectral Editor will apply to all non-unique copies of a clip. If you wish to edit different copies of the same clip independently using Spectral editor, please bounce them first.

    Undo History Warning

    Undo history is cleared when a session is saved.

  • Reset: Reverts all changes in the audio to the unprocessed state.
  • Settings: Opens the plug-in General Settings menu.
  • Help: Opens the installed HTML help documentation in your default web browser.
  • Mode: Determines the type of processing that will be applied to your selection.
    • Attenuate: Removes sounds by comparing the content inside of your selection to the content outside of your selection. It modifies dissimilar audio in your selection to be more similar to the surrounding audio. Attenuate does not re-synthesize any audio.
    • Replace: Resynthesizes badly damaged sections (such as gaps) in tonal audio. It completely replaces the selected content with audio interpolated from the surrounding data.
  • Strength: Adjusts the amount of attenuation. Note: This control is only available in Attenuate mode.
  • Region: Defines how much of the surrounding content will be used for interpolation.
  • Weight: Gives more weight to the surrounding audio before or after the selection.
  • Direction: Determines where the material used in the repair process is located in relation to the current selection. Note: Replace mode always uses Horizontal interpolation when processing a selection.
  • Process: Applies processing to the current selection.
  • Resize: Allows you to click and drag to change the size of the plug-in window.
  • Show/Hide Advanced Control Panel: Shows/hides the advanced controls for the Attenuate and Replace modes.
  • TIP: Use the trackpad to navigate the spectrogram

    Scroll with the trackpad vertically to zoom in and out, and horizontally to scroll forward/backward in time.

    Working with Comp Takes in Logic Pro

    Spectral Editor supports comp takes in Logic. To process comp takes, the individual takes that make up the comp must be selected and processed.

    Comp Clip

    The Logic comp region at the top will not appear in the spectrogram if selected. Choose the individual takes and toggle playback to work on comps in Spectral Editor.

    ARA Requirements and Limitations

    RX 9.3.0
