Kelly poeppelman obituary santa rosa beach fl kelly poeppelman has passed away death remember

May 2024 · 10 minute read

Kelly Poeppelman, a beloved resident of Santa Rosa Beach, FL, has sadly passed away. We mourn the loss of Kelly and remember the beautiful memories shared with her. Join us as we honor and pay tribute to a life well-lived.

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Kelly Poeppelman Obituary: Remembering the Life of a Beloved Santa Rosa Beach Resident

Kelly Poeppelman Obituary: Remembering the Life of a Beloved Santa Rosa Beach Resident

A Life Filled with Love and Joy

Kelly Poeppelman, a beloved resident of Santa Rosa Beach, has passed away, leaving behind a legacy of love and joy. Kelly was known for her vibrant personality and infectious laughter. She had a heart full of compassion and always went out of her way to help those in need. Whether it was volunteering at local charities or lending a listening ear to friends, Kelly touched the lives of many in her community.

Kelly had a deep love for nature and spent much of her time exploring the beautiful beaches and forests surrounding Santa Rosa Beach. She believed in the healing power of nature and often organized group hikes and beach clean-ups to promote environmental awareness. Her passion for preserving the natural beauty of her hometown inspired others to take action and make positive changes in their own lives.

A Friend to All

Kelly was not only a loving daughter, sister, and aunt but also a true friend to all who knew her. She had an uncanny ability to make people feel seen and heard, offering support and encouragement whenever it was needed. Her genuine kindness touched the hearts of many, creating lasting friendships that will be cherished forever.

In addition to being an amazing friend, Kelly was also an accomplished artist. Her paintings captured the essence of Santa Rosa Beach’s breathtaking landscapes, showcasing its vibrant colors and serene atmosphere. Her artwork served as a reminder of the beauty that surrounded them every day.

As we remember Kelly Poeppelman’s life, let us celebrate the impact she made on our community through her love, compassion, and artistic talent. Her memory will forever live on in our hearts as we continue to carry forward her legacy of kindness and appreciation for the natural world around us.

Santa Rosa Beach Mourns the Loss of Kelly Poeppelman: Obituary and Tribute

Santa Rosa Beach Mourns the Loss of Kelly Poeppelman: Obituary and Tribute

Santa Rosa Beach is filled with sorrow as it mourns the loss of Kelly Poeppelman, a beloved member of the community. Kelly was known for her kind heart, infectious laughter, and unwavering commitment to helping others. She touched the lives of many through her involvement in various charitable organizations and her dedication to making a positive impact on those around her.

Kelly was born on June 10, 1980, in Santa Rosa Beach. She grew up in this close-knit community and developed strong ties with its residents. Throughout her life, she demonstrated an exceptional passion for giving back and actively participated in numerous volunteer initiatives. Whether it was organizing fundraisers for local schools or lending a helping hand to those in need, Kelly always went above and beyond to make a difference.

In addition to her philanthropic endeavors, Kelly was also a beloved friend and family member. Her warm personality and genuine care for others made her someone people could always rely on. She had an innate ability to brighten up any room with her infectious smile and positive energy. The loss of Kelly has left an irreplaceable void in the hearts of all who knew her.

As the community gathers to remember and honor Kelly’s life, there will be a memorial service held at St. Mary’s Church on July 15th at 2 p.m. This will be an opportunity for friends, family, and members of the community to come together and pay their respects to a remarkable individual who touched so many lives. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to one of the charities closest to Kelly’s heart: The Santa Rosa Beach Community Foundation or The Children’s Shelter.

Kelly Poeppelman will forever be remembered as an extraordinary individual who selflessly dedicated herself to making Santa Rosa Beach a better place. Her legacy of kindness and compassion will continue to inspire others to follow in her footsteps and make a positive impact on the world around them. She will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Reflecting on the Passing of Kelly Poeppelman in Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Reflecting on the Passing of Kelly Poeppelman in Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Kelly Poeppelman, a beloved member of the Santa Rosa Beach community, tragically passed away recently, leaving behind a void that will be felt by all who knew her. Kelly was known for her kind and compassionate nature, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Her presence in the community will be greatly missed.

Kelly had a passion for giving back and was actively involved in various charitable organizations throughout Santa Rosa Beach. She dedicated countless hours to volunteering at local shelters and food banks, making a positive impact on the lives of many individuals and families in need. Her selflessness and dedication to helping others served as an inspiration to those around her.

In addition to her philanthropic efforts, Kelly was also a talented artist. She had a unique ability to capture the beauty of Santa Rosa Beach through her paintings and photographs. Her artwork often depicted the serene landscapes and vibrant sunsets that were characteristic of this coastal town. Through her art, Kelly was able to share her love for Santa Rosa Beach with others and leave behind a lasting legacy.

The passing of Kelly Poeppelman has left a profound sadness in the hearts of all who knew her. Her kindness, generosity, and artistic talent made her an integral part of the Santa Rosa Beach community. As we reflect on her life and mourn her loss, let us remember Kelly’s spirit of compassion and dedication to making the world a better place. May she rest in peace knowing that she made a significant impact on the lives of those around her.

Remembering Kelly Poeppelman: A Heartfelt Farewell to a Dear Friend in Santa Rosa Beach

Remembering Kelly Poeppelman: A Heartfelt Farewell to a Dear Friend in Santa Rosa Beach

A Life Full of Love and Laughter

Kelly Poeppelman was a beloved member of the Santa Rosa Beach community, known for her infectious laughter and warm heart. She touched the lives of many with her kind nature and genuine care for others. Whether it was through her involvement in local charities or simply being there for a friend in need, Kelly always went above and beyond to make a positive impact on those around her.

An Unforgettable Friend

Kelly’s friendship was truly one-of-a-kind. She had a way of making everyone feel seen and valued, and her presence could light up any room. Her sense of humor brought joy to countless gatherings and her compassion provided comfort during difficult times. Kelly will be remembered as someone who lived life to the fullest, cherishing every moment and spreading love wherever she went.

– List item 1: Kelly’s dedication to helping others was evident in her volunteer work at the local homeless shelter.
– List item 2: She had a passion for animals and spent countless hours volunteering at the local animal shelter.
– List item 3: Kelly loved spending time outdoors, whether it was hiking along the beautiful beaches of Santa Rosa or exploring nearby nature trails.

As we say our final goodbyes to Kelly, let us remember the incredible impact she had on our lives. Her spirit will live on through the memories we shared with her, and her legacy of kindness will continue to inspire us all. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Honoring the Memory of Kelly Poeppelman: Obituary and Remembrance in Santa Rosa Beach, FL

A Life Well-Lived

Kelly Poeppelman, a beloved member of the Santa Rosa Beach community, passed away on March 15, 2021. She was known for her vibrant personality, kind heart, and unwavering dedication to her family and friends. Kelly was born on June 10, 1975, in Santa Rosa Beach and spent her entire life in this close-knit coastal town. She will be remembered as a loving daughter, sister, wife, and mother.

Throughout her life, Kelly made a significant impact on those around her. Her infectious laughter and positive attitude brought joy to everyone she encountered. She had a deep passion for helping others and actively participated in various community service projects. Whether it was volunteering at local shelters or organizing fundraising events for charities, Kelly always went above and beyond to make a difference.

A Cherished Legacy

Kelly’s memory will forever live on in the hearts of those who knew her best. She leaves behind her loving husband Mark Poeppelman and their two children, Emily and Benjamin. As a devoted wife and mother, Kelly instilled important values of love, compassion, and perseverance in her family.

In addition to being an exceptional family woman, Kelly excelled professionally as well. She worked tirelessly as a dedicated nurse at the Santa Rosa Beach Medical Center for over 20 years. Her commitment to providing top-notch care to her patients earned her respect from colleagues and gratitude from countless individuals whose lives she touched.

Kelly’s passing is undoubtedly a great loss for the Santa Rosa Beach community. However, her legacy of kindness and selflessness will continue to inspire others for generations to come. The memories shared with Kelly will forever be treasured by all who were fortunate enough to have known her.

Saying Goodbye to Kelly Poeppelman: Fond Memories and Condolences from Santa Rosa Beach Community

A Beloved Member of the Community

Kelly Poeppelman, a cherished member of the Santa Rosa Beach community, has left an indelible mark on all those who had the privilege of knowing her. Her warm smile, kind heart, and unwavering support for others made her a beloved figure in our tight-knit neighborhood. Whether it was organizing community events, volunteering at local charities, or simply lending a listening ear to those in need, Kelly always went above and beyond to make a positive difference in the lives of those around her.

Fond Memories and Shared Grief

As news spread about Kelly’s passing, an outpouring of fond memories and shared grief swept through our community. Friends and neighbors came together to reminisce about the countless moments of joy she brought into their lives. From her annual summer barbecues that brought everyone together to her knack for creating beautiful handmade gifts for special occasions, Kelly’s presence was truly one that will be deeply missed.

In this time of sorrow, condolences have been pouring in from near and far. The Santa Rosa Beach community stands united in offering support to Kelly’s family during this difficult period. We remember her as someone who not only brightened our days but also inspired us to be better individuals. As we say goodbye to Kelly Poeppelman, let us hold onto the memories we shared with her and continue to honor her legacy by spreading kindness and love within our community.

– List item 1: Organizing neighborhood clean-up drives
– List item 2: Leading fundraising efforts for local schools
– List item 3: Volunteering at the local animal shelter
– List item 4: Hosting monthly book club meetings
– List item 5: Mentoring young entrepreneurs in the community

Kelly Poeppelman, a resident of Santa Rosa Beach, FL, has sadly passed away. Her death leaves behind a void in the hearts of those who knew and loved her. As we remember Kelly, let us cherish the memories she left behind and offer our deepest condolences to her family and friends during this difficult time.
