Logan Paul Hilariously Recreates His South Park Parody

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Logan Paul became one of WWE’s biggest surprises as his athletic ability helped him excel at a level no one thought was possible. Paul also never fails to make himself of himself no matter what. In fact, he recreated his recent ‘South Park’ parody recently.

Logan Paul is also a business partner with KSI, as they founded PRIME energy drink together. During their most recent promotional tour, they even ended up on the Guinness Book of World Records.

During the latest ‘South Park’ special, Logan Paul and his PRIME energy drink were targeted in a big way. In the episode, The Maverick was promoting his energy drink called ‘CRED’ and it even parodied Paul’s controversy surrounding PRIME not being suitable for children.

The United States Champion took to Twitter and uploaded a video of himself, where he ended up recreating the ‘South Park’ parody, scene for scene. Naturally, fans had a great time watching the parody.

”Thanks for the CRED @SouthPark

Logan Paul will also defend his United States Championship against the winner of the United States Title tournament, so it remains to be seen who he will defend his title against.

What’s your view on Logan Paul re-enacting his own parody? Do you feel Logan Paul should be made fun of more? Let us know in the comments section below!

December 21, 2023 2:29 pm
