Is Michael K. Williams related to DMX?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

An accidental fentanyl overdose killed the Emmy-nominated actor and producer, Michael K. Williams on September 6.

A federal court in New York announced narcotics conspiracy charged against four accused members of a drug trafficking group suspected of distributing the fatal fentanyl-laced heroin to Williams.

The actor has acted in programmes such as Law & Order, The Sopranos, Alias, Boardwalk Empire, Community, and When They See Us over the years. He also appeared in Gone Baby Gone, The Incredible Hulk, 12 Years a Slave, Inherent Vice, and Ghostbusters (2016).

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Is Michael K. Williams related to DMX? What did he say in his tribute to DMX

Michael K. Williams is not in anyway related to DMX. However Michael delivered a powerful tribute to the late rapper on the BET 2021 stage.

His performance got huge praise on social media specifically on Instagram.

Who was Michael K. Williams?

Michael K. Williams is an American actor and producer.

Michael Kenneth Williams was born in Brooklyn, New York, and is partly Bahamian on his mother’s side.

He went to George Westinghouse Career and Technical Education High School, and he isn’t the only prominent face to have graduated from there.

Does Michael K. Williams have children?

Michael was thought to be gay until one of his girlfriends gave birth to his son, Elijah Williams.

On his 25th birthday in 1991, he got into a pub fight on Jamaica Avenue, Queens, New York City where he was slashed with a razor blade in the face. The wound left a big scar on Michael’s face and it later became one of the main reasons for Michael to be cast as a thug in movies and videos

Did Michael K. Williams marry?

Tasha Smith, his partner shared a photo of them in 2019 on Instagram. Aside that he never disclosed anything about his personal life and maintained a high level of secrecy.
